What is Cat S•O•S Web?
Cat SOS (Services) Web is the SOS program's user-friendly web interface, which is accessed by logging into VisionLink. With it, you can view and analyse your fluid sample information online - anywhere and anytime you have an internet connection.
What can I do with Cat S•O•S Web?
After you've registered via VisionLink and logged in, you'll have access to the following features:
- Data Analysis - Analyse your fluid data results to discover trends
- Sample Reports - Retrieve fluid sample reports
- Dashboard Notifications - Quickly identify items requiring immediate attention
- Print Labels - Print fluid sample labels
- Management Reports - Produce reports for management
- Action Recording - Record actions and repairs
- View History - Access equipment/component history
- Expert Advice - Start a two-way conversation with a WesTrac expert
- Manage Assets - You can add, delete and edit assets
- Manage Users - You can add, delete and edit users
How do I access Cat S•O•S Web?
- Register for VisionLink
- Login to VisionLink using your CWS ID (username) and password
- Select 'SOS Application' from the Quicklinks section
Will my data in Cat S•O•S Web be integrated with VisionLink?
Yes, if you are utilising VisionLink.
Can I access Cat S•O•S Web from any device?
Yes, you can access the interface from your desktop, tablet or mobile device. Being able to access it via your mobile means you can perform all of the features listed above while you are out on site.
Which browser should I use to access Cat S•O•S Web?
For the best possible experience, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are the recommended Internet browsers for Cat SOS Web. You can still access the interface using Microsoft Internet Explorer V10 or higher, or Microsoft Edge, but we do not recommend it.
Why should I continue using Cat S•O•S Web?
By enrolling in the program and using Cat SOS Web, a routine sampling interval can be established to build up data over time, allowing trends to develop that become easier to spot the longer you use it. By analysing your data and comparing your sampling history, it will be easy to identify deviations from the normal trend. This adds value to the data interpretation process with more meaningful recommendations/actions.