How do I view the FitFleet Customer Value Agreement (CVA) plans for my machines in the Customer Portal?
- Navigate to the Fleet Dashboard on the left-hand navigation menu.
- Under the FitFleet Plan tile, the Overview tab displays a breakdown of machines/assets under different FitFleet plans or without FitFleet plans.
- The Assets With Plans and Assets Without Plans tabs contain your machines under each category in a list view.
Machines with a current FitFleet CVA
For machines under a current FitFleet CVA you can action the below for each individual asset:
- View Plan Inclusions: takes you to the WesTrac website with details on each plan level
- Upgrade / Renew Plan: takes you to a pre-populated form to submit the request for upgrading/renewing the plan
Request a Service: takes you to a pre-populated form to submit the request for booking a service
Machines without a FitFleet CVA
For machines without a FitFleet CVA you can:
Machines with a current FitFleet CVA
- Add a FitFleet CVA: this takes you to a pre-populated form to submit the request for adding FitFleet plan agreement
Request a Service: this takes you to a pre-populated form to submit the request for booking a service
How do I view my machines in the FitFleet Customer Portal?
Aside from viewing your machines under Assets With Plans and Assets Without Plans tabs, you can also view them under the Total Assets tile:
- Similarly, the Overview tab displays a breakdown of product groups, including the number of machines and attachments associated with each group.
- The Machines tab contains all your machines in a list view with the below actions available:
- Set Asset ID: allows you to set an internal asset ID to the machine as opposed to the default asset ID
- Change Ownership: takes you to a pre-populated form to submit the request for changing ownership of a machine
Request a Service: takes you to a pre-populated form to submit the request for booking a service
- The Attachments tab contains all attachments with associated machines in a list view with the same actions available above.
- The PIP/PSP tab contains a list of all Product Improvement Programs and Product Suppport Programs (PIP/PSP) events relating to one or more of the machines.
How do I request a service for my machine?
As shown above, you can select Request a Service for the relevant machine, either in the FitFleet Plan or Total Assets tile.
This will take you to a pre-populated form which allows you to list your requested service location and date.
Once you have submitted this form, a WesTrac team member will respond.
Note: the usual response time is two business days.
How do I view the warranties for my machines?
The Warranties tile under the Fleet Dashboard displays a list view of active warranties with the related asset ID, model, description of warranty, expiry date, expiry SMU, hours used. You can also request a machine warranty extension.
How to request a machine warranty extension
- Select the Extend Warranty option for the relevant machine,
- This will take you to a pre-populated form.
- Submit the form.
- Once submitted, a WesTrac team member will be in contact within two business days to follow up on your extension request.