How do I view my Scheduled Oil Sampling (SOS) test status alerts?
Navigate to the Maintenance Dashboard ()in the left-hand side navigation. Here you will find the Oil Alerts tile, which will display an overview of your oil sample tests submitted to WesTrac's SOS Oil Lab.
Each individual sample displays the:
- Asset ID
- Component Type
- Sample Number
- Alert Date; and
- Current Status.
The status will update as the sample progresses. The different status types that will display against each sample in the list table are:
- Sample Sent
- Sample Received
- In Progress
- No Action Required
- Monitor Component
- Action Required
- Urgent Action Required
To see the full test details (and to follow up the results as required), click on an individual sample. A direct dropdown link to the SOS Web platform will appear. By clicking this you will be taken directly to that sample result page.